Drive safely in heavy rain
KDOT reminds, rain is impacting travel in some parts of the state. If you can’t see the road surface, turn around, don’t drown. It only takes a few inches before traveling is unsafe.
KDOT reminds, rain is impacting travel in some parts of the state. If you can’t see the road surface, turn around, don’t drown. It only takes a few inches before traveling is unsafe.
The City-Cowley County Health Department says updated COVID vaccinations are available from the Health Department. You can call to schedule your appointment. In Ark City, it’s 620-442-3260, and in Winfield, call 620-221-1430.
Governor Laura Kelly announced that Kansas is receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to make the state’s electrical grid more robust and resilient against extreme weather events as part of the Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue Portfolio (JTIQ). The project will coordinate the planning, design, and construction of 5 transmission projects across 7 Midwest … Read more
Put safety first when getting into a vehicle and participate in Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) Day, recognized across the country on Oct. 25. The Kansas Department of Transportation and the Drive To Zero (DTZ) Coalition challenge all travelers to ditch distractions and focus on safety. Drivers will see increased enforcement of occupant protection and … Read more
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment says there is a new online resource for cancer survivors, caregivers and providers. In collaboration with Kansas Cancer Partnership, the Map of Cancer Survivorship Resources has over 20 categories and includes information on counseling and support groups, transportation, financial assistance, advanced care planning and more.
A reminder from the Kansas Traffic Resource Office, that vehicle-deer crashes can happen any day of the year on Kansas roadways. Across the state, 37% of all single-vehicle crashes in 2022 involved a collision with a deer. The Kansas Department of Transportation reports six people were killed and 575 people were injured in collisions with … Read more
Governor Laura Kelly and the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund today announced a second round of funding awards to 27 statewide organizations to create new, sustainable licensed child care slots and support the expanded operation of high-quality affordable child care programs. These additional grant awards are part of the Child Care Capacity Accelerator Grant … Read more
A pillar of the Arkansas City community will be honored during an awards ceremony Tuesday evening for his dedication and service. The City of Arkansas City Joe B. Avery Community Spirit Award Committee will present the family of Otis Morrow with a Special Distinction in Community Service certificate during its annual award presentation at 6 … Read more
Yesterday, in accordance with Executive Order #20-30, Governor Laura Kelly directed flags be lowered to half-staff at the State Capitol Complex and all court buildings and facilities until Monday, October 23, 2023, to honor 21st District Magistrate Judge William Malcolm, who died from injuries sustained in a car accident earlier this month. Judge Malcolm passed … Read more
Southwestern College Homecoming gets underway tomorrow, and it goes through Sunday, October 22nd. The parade is Saturday morning at 9:30, and the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is at 10 a.m. Saturday. The football games versus Bethel is at 1:30 p.m. Saturday.