Governor Kelly plans trip to Winfield
Governor Laura Kelly will travel to Winfield on Wednesday, September 20, to make a health care announcement. She will deliver brief remarks. It’s scheduled for 1230pm.
Governor Laura Kelly will travel to Winfield on Wednesday, September 20, to make a health care announcement. She will deliver brief remarks. It’s scheduled for 1230pm.
Now through Sept. 23, 2023, the Arkansas City Police Department will join other Kansas law enforcement agencies to stop what has been likened to an epidemic in Kansas. In 2019, eight children ages 0-13 died from car crashes in Kansas. Sadly, 62% of those children were not wearing their seat belts. According to the 2019 … Read more
Beginning this fall, Kansas will have no fall turkey hunting season due to declining populations at state and regional levels. The difficult decision was arrived at by members of the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission after hearing compelling recommendations from staff over the course of four public meetings. Though far fewer turkey hunters participate in … Read more
As part of an ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeingof our community, the Arkansas City Fire/EMS Department seeks collaborative partnerships with localbusinesses to invest in vital fire safety training equipment. ACFD employs a training method involving a metal drum containing a gasoline and diesel mixture. This drum isignited to simulate a fire, and … Read more
Drivers will notice increased activity by local law enforcement agencies and the Kansas Highway Patrol along four designated Kansas Safety Corridors beginning in mid-September. The increase is part of the continuing efforts being implemented to reduce fatalities and serious injuries along the corridors. These agencies are working to save lives by deterring dangerous driving behaviors … Read more
The Cowley County Commission has a meeting set for Tuesday, September 19th, at 6 p.m. in Winfield. The agenda is out. It shows there will be a public hearing for the Cowley County Fiscal Year 2024 budget.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has issued a high-risk warning for West Nile virus infections (WNV) for all regions of the state other than the southeast region, which is at a moderate risk level. WNV is carried and transmitted by mosquitoes and can infect humans, horses, birds and other species. Most WNV … Read more
Following several months of review, the Arkansas City Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Classroom at the Water Treatment Facility, 400 W. Madison Ave. The hearing is to allow the public an opportunity to hear more about changes made in the city’s subdivision and … Read more
The Red Cross has announced a national blood shortage. The American Red Cross national blood supply has fallen to critically low levels-dropping nearly 25%– since early August, and potentially threatening the medical care of patients with an emergency need for blood, or those living with critical conditions such as cancer and sickle cell disease and … Read more
USD 470 reminds Parents, if your child needs an immunization, you can make an appointment with the City-Cowley County Health Department’s Ark City location. They’ll be doing immunizations today, Wednesday, September 13! Call 620-442-3260 or request an appointment through the health department’s mobile app.