Today, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland hosted a Healthy Workers, Healthy Economy roundtable at Labette Health in Parsons. Rural hospital leaders and legislators discussed the impacts Medicaid expansion would have on healthcare and the economy in Southeast Kansas. “Rural hospitals play a key role in keeping both Kansas communities and local economies … Read more


Accordin to the Salina Post, Christy McMurphy from the Kansas COC/ Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition will also be attending to provide information on statewide initiatives. The presentation should take about 45 minutes with a Question & Answer session with the public to follow. Wednesday, December 6 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Annex … Read more


Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the Governor’s Wildfire Task Force has submitted its final report summarizing and providing recommendations on how to improve the systems, procedures, and personnel that make up the state’s oversight of wildfire events. In July 2022, Governor Laura Kelly appointed a group of leaders from across the state to serve … Read more


Governor Laura Kelly today announced that the Kansas Department of Revenue will pause production on the license plate design revealed last Wednesday and create a process to receive public input before selecting a final design.


-Governor Laura Kelly and Transportation Secretary Calvin Reed announced today that more than $12 million state dollars will be awarded to 16 transportation construction projects across Kansas through the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Cost Share Program for fall 2023. This investment will leverage $7.2 million in community matching dollars for a total investment of over … Read more

Police doing extra enforcement

Beginning Saturday, November 18, through Monday, November 26, 2023, the Arkansas City Police Department will join many other law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, in the Kansas Thanksgiving Safe Arrival Traffic Enforcement Campaign. While all Kansas traffic laws will be rigorously enforced, it’s important to note that additional measures will … Read more

Statewide art contest underway

The State Library of Kansas announced today a statewide art contest, which will be featured alongside the Kansas Notable Books and Kansas Great Reads selection, celebrating outstanding works that showcase the diverse talent and creativity of Kansans. Artists must be current residents of Kansas to participate in the contest. The contest is open to three … Read more

Businesses needed for Lighted Christmas Parade floats

The Winfield Main Street Committee of the Winfield Area Chamber of Commerce is organizing another Lighted Christmas Parade to take place Saturday, December 9 th on Main Street from 17 th to 10th Avenues. The parade will begin at 6:30 PM. This year’s theme is “Vintage Christmas” to round out Winfield’s Sesquicentennial Celebration year. The … Read more

Cowley County Commission plans meeting

The Cowley County Commission has a meeting set for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21st. The agenda is out. The group will consider participation in the Rural Opportunity Zone program for calendar year 2024. They’ll also hear about the mid-year results for Cowley County 2023 Real Estate Appraisal/Sales Ratio Study. They’ll discuss Spring Creek Stone … Read more

Ark City HS students attend SAFE Kansas Conference

Nine Arkansas City High School students recently went to Manhattan, Kan., for the SAFE Kansas conference. The students listened to several organizations and law enforcement officials about the importance of not only seat belt usage but vehicle safety in general. They heard testimonies from crash survivors and saw pictures and statistics of fatal crashes.