New numbers on impact of Cowley College

Here’s another economic impact analysis data point from the recent Lightcast report provided by the Kansas Board of Regents. Including operations spending, student expenditures, and alumni impact, Cowley College injected $203.5 million into the Cowley College regional service area economy throughout the analysis year. Based on jobs-to-sales ratios specific to each industry in the region, … Read more

New councilmembers sworn in

During the Ark City City Commission meeting on January 2, three City Council members-Charles Tweedy III, Tad Stover, and Chad Beeson-were formally sworn into office by City Clerk Tiffany Parsons. In addition to the swearing-in ceremony, Jay Warren was appointed as Mayor. Following his appointment, Jay took a moment to express gratitude to outgoing Mayor … Read more

Kansas hits highest employment in state history

Governor Laura Kelly announced today that Kansas has reached its highest employment in state history. According to data from the Kansas Department of Labor, employment was at an all-time high in 2023, with nine of the top 10 employment months taking place throughout the year. The 10th top employment month was in 2022. Kansas currently … Read more

Crews respond to Paris Park pavilion fire

Arkansas City, KS Fire/EMS Department says On January 1, 2024, the Arkansas City Fire/EMS Department responded to a reported structure fire at the Paris Park pavilion in Arkansas City. The emergency call was received at approximately 4:00 a.m. Upon arrival, firefighters were met with heavy flames engulfing the south end of the pavilion. Crews were … Read more

State reports December tax numbers

The State of Kansas ends December 2023 with total tax collections at $1.043 billion. That is $36.9 million, or 3.4%, below the estimate. Total tax collections are down 3.8% from December 2022. Individual income tax collections were $397.1 million. That is $17.1 million, or 4.5%, above the estimate, and up 5.9% from December 2022. Corporate … Read more

Chief Burr retires

A few days ago, the Ark City Police Department bid farewell to an incredible leader and public servant, Chief Eric Burr. Burr officially retired from the Arkansas City Police Department.

Reminder about Bright Arrow Messaging System

A reminder from USD 465, that the district uses Bright Arrow Messaging System to contact students, staff and families as needs arise. If you would like to receive text messages in addition to phone calls and email, text Y to 87569. When you get a new phone, you have to opt in again. The text … Read more

ACPD hosting NYE event

If you are a high school student and you are looking for a safe place to hang out with friends, enjoy music and karaoke, eat some pizza and win some great prizes – all for FREE – plan on coming to the ACPD New Year’s Eve Party at the Arkansas City High School from 9 … Read more

Arrest in shoe theft

On December 5, 2023, Officers of the Arkansas City Police Department took a report from Shoe Sensation, 2139 N. Summit St., of an unknown male taking a pair of men’s shoes without paying for them. Officers obtained surveillance video of the suspect inside the store, and on December 26, the video was shared with other … Read more

New FAFSA available soon

Cowley College says, did you know the new FAFSA will be available by December 31? It’s easier and shorter than ever with auto-fill options. Take some time with your teen to see what grants and loans may be available to help you afford a college education. Remember, FAFSA is often required when applying for scholarships.