Ark City PD looking for more info on stolen Jeep

Ark City PD says On 01/31/2024 a 2020 Jeep Wrangler, was stolen from Zellers, 3021 N Summit Street. There’s a picture of the vehicle up on the PD’s FB page. If any one has any information regarding the location of this vehicle, please contact them at 620-441-4547, or Crime Stoppers of Cowley County at … Read more

Seatbelt enforcement campaign begins

The Arkansas City Police Department will participate in the SAFE (Seatbelts Are for Everyone) Seatbelt Enforcement Campaign from February 26 through March 8. Citizens should expect an increased police traffic enforcement presence around the Arkansas City High School. This specific campaign is an effort to increase seatbelt compliance. As always, the safety of all occupants … Read more

Symphony in the Flint Hills tickets go on sale Saturday

Symphony in the Flint Hills is thrilled to announce Katharine McPhee as guest vocalist with the Kansas City Symphony at their Signature Event on Saturday, June 8, at Red Ranch in Greenwood County. ?Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 2. ?McPhee became a household name in 2006 during Season 5 of … Read more

Street closed for sewer line replacement

City crews will be replacing the sewer line on Washington Avenue between Summit and A Streets and, as a result, the street will be closed for the remainder of the week. Businesses in the area will have limited access to the alleyway during this time.

Crews working on potholes

City of Arkansas City says city crews have diligently filled potholes and conducted asphalt street repairs in neighborhoods over the past few weeks. This work will continue, with crews focusing on the Brad Meek edition in the upcoming weeks.

Jazz Night is March 7th

USD 470 says Save the date! On March 7th, join us at 7:30 p.m. in the Brown Center for Cowley County Jazz Night! Enjoy free admission as the Arkansas City High School Jazz Band, Cowley College Jazz Band, and Winfield High School Jazz Band team up for an evening of vibrant jazz. Be there as … Read more

State gets money for lighting efficiency

The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has been awarded a $1.9 million Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the Department of Energy (DOE) to help local governments replace traffic signals and/or street lighting with energy efficient lighting technology. The agency’s grant application stated that “many publicly owned facilities in Kansas communities are aging and inefficient, … Read more

Health department has scholarship available

The City-Cowley County Health Department says the Mary L. Benton Memorial Scholarship is now open for applications! This scholarship was established in honor of our longest serving Board of Health member, Mrs. Mary Lou Benton, and is open to graduating Cowley County high school students pursuing an education in a healthcare-related field. Two scholarships of … Read more

Money coming for broadband development

The Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) has been awarded nearly $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service through its new Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) grant program. The $997,000 grant will fund pre-engineering design studies in six rural Kansas counties to help reduce costs and identify avoidable barriers as broadband is … Read more

Help needed for community survey

The City-Cowley County Health Department says a community survey will launch soon to gather information about local health & wellness resources. They are seeking survey volunteers. Our goal is to collect one completed survey from at least 65% of the households in the county. We need help canvassing targeted populations to collect responses. You could … Read more