Award to be presented on October 22nd

City of Arkansas City says since 2009, the Joe B. Avery Community Spirit Award has celebrated those who make a lasting impact on Arkansas City! This prestigious award honors individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving our community by creating resources and opportunities that uplift the quality of life for everyone. Join them on Oct. … Read more

Give your thoughts on the safety of Cowley County streets

The Safe Streets for Cowley County Safety Task Force wants to hear from you! A survey is available for residents in Cowley County to identify locations of safety concerns, suggest potential changes, and rate priorities for meaningful change to create safer streets. Visit to complete the survey. A public meeting will be held in … Read more

Watch for farm vehicles during harvest

KDOT reminds, It’s harvest time! Remember to share the road as our farmers work to help feed the world: Many of them are only on highways for a short period of time. Be patient, pay attention and pass with caution, don’t assume a farm vehicle pulling to right is allow you to pass.

Kansas Apply Free Days are next week

VISIT Ark City reminds, The Kansas Apply Free Days will be held on October 7-9, 2024! During these three days, any Kansas resident, regardless of age or income can apply for free at any of the 7 public universities, 19 community colleges, 6 Technical colleges, and the 21 private member institutions of the Kansas Independent … Read more

USD 470 gets two grants

Exciting news for USD 470! We are thrilled to announce that the V.J. Wilkins Foundation has approved two generous grants for our students! A $25,000 matching grant to help purchase new percussion instruments for our elementary schools. USD 470 will match this amount, bringing more music to our youngest Bulldogs! A $20,000 grant to support … Read more

Ark City launches plan to modernize water infrastructure

The City of Arkansas City is excited to embark on a transformative journey to modernize its water infrastructure with the launch of the Drinking Water System Improvement Master Plan. This critical initiative addresses aging infrastructure enhances operational efficiency, and introduces a cost-of-service rate model, ensuring that water costs are distributed fairly across all users. In … Read more

Flu clinics scheduled

The beginning of October marks the start of flu season and there is no better way to stay safe than with a yearly flu shot. Flu shots are proven to provide effective protection and reduce both the severity and length of illness. However, since busy schedules can often make it difficult to find the time … Read more

Police reviewing inappropriate communication between school staff and student

The administration at Arkansas City High School has received a report of inappropriate communication between a staff member and a student. Although this individual is technically employed by Winfield Public Schools, they are currently assigned to Ark City High School. This individual also coaches for Arkansas City Public Schools. The Arkansas City Police Department was … Read more

Changes made to iKan

The Kansas Department of Revenue is pleased to announce updates to iKan, the state’s award-winning digital government platform. Along with an improved resident profile interface, Kansans can now update their vehicle’s address on the platform up to 90 days before their renewal date – a process that used to require a trip to a DMV … Read more

Road work delayed

Recent weather has delayed two connected resurfacing projects on U.S. 166 in Cowley and Sumner counties. The work is expected to begin around Tuesday, Oct. 1, and be completed around November 8. One of the Kansas Department of Transportation projects on U.S. 166-in Cowley County-will extend almost five miles from the Sumner/Cowley county line to … Read more