Money going to improve roads

Governor Laura Kelly announced today that a combined $26 million is being awarded to 33 projects to improve intersections and roads in cities across the state that have been selected for funding through the Kansas Department of Transportation’s City Connecting Link Improvement Program (CCLIP). CCLIP funds improvements to state highways that extend through cities. The cities will receive a combined total of approximately $26 million, which includes $5.5 million in state fiscal year 2026 and $20.5 million in state fiscal year 2027. Under the CCLIP, a city must contribute up to 25% of the project cost based on its population, though some cities contribute significantly more. Cities with a population under 2,500 aren’t required to provide a match. Projects in this program may fall into one of three categories: Surface Preservation (SP), Pavement Restoration (PR), or Geometric Improvement (GI).